Sunday, December 12, 2010

50 Fireworks Photos

Fireworks, Piermont, NY, July 4, 2010
Just posted a new album of 50 fireworks photos to my Facebook profile. CLICK HERE to go take a look.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Doppelgangers, Anyone?

Doppelgangers, Anyone?

Photograph by J. Kyle Keener for National Geographic
OK, so really it's the annual Twins Day Festival in Twinsburg, Ohio (as photographed by J. Kyle Keener for National Geographic). But it's inspiration like this that gives me some of these ideas I come out with like...

(spoiler alert! don't click if you don't want to know)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Isaac Pressman - A Free Will Flux Character Biography

Isaac Pressman was born in a Queens, New York hospital to Martin Pressman, a traveling industrial supplies salesman and his wife, Abigail (Gail), a sometimes substitute schoolteacher, sometimes one-woman child day care center, and raised in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Isaac grew up a confident, if unsentimental, child, frequently having to share his mother's attention with several other random children, yet always being the hub of all playtime activities (as it was, after all, his home, his toys). Also contributing to the development of Isaac's self-contained (if aloof) personality was that his father was rarely at home. 

When it was learned that Isaac's father was spending his time away with various regular girlfriends who peppered his northeastern regional sales route, Isaac's mother did the then unthinkable deed of filing for divorce. She got the home, custody of Isaac, and a tidy alimony. Isaac saw his father even less after that.

A naturally bright young man who spent much of his alone time reading books on history and National Geographic magazines, he attended Princeton University for his undergraduate degree in Journalism, under a partial scholarship and working random part-time jobs for the remainder of his tuition so he didn't have to accept his father's money. It was there at Princeton, while in his junior year beginning the coursework for a minor in Acting (he thought, as it happened correctly, that it would aid in his one day becoming a famous television news anchor) where he met the woman who was to become his wife, Paulette Anderson (though her friends always called her Piper for her luscious singing voice) a sophomore in the Musical Theater department. 

Graduating one year ahead of Piper, Isaac stuck around taking a job as an editor's assistant at a local newspaper until Piper could finish school and join him on his cross-country relocation to Los Angeles to get his Journalism Masters at UCLA. Their plans got delayed by an extra year and a half, however, as he helped Piper battle, and thankfully triumph, over breast cancer. Upon her recovery and completing of her undergraduate studies, it was off they went to California, an extra bundle in tow, which they didn't discover until a week after landing. 

In Los Angeles, Piper took little short-term singing gigs, like recording radio commercial jingles or playing Mrs. Claus at the mall every winter, so she could stay home raising their son, Caleb (or at least keep him close), while Isaac completed his masters degree and immediately landed himself a job writing briefs for the weekend anchors at WNN TV, the cable television arm of World Network News, the world's largest news media network. Three years later, Isaac had climbed his way up to become the network's (and the nation's) #1 weekday and prime time news anchor. Of course this left him little time for his family, and when his wife's cancer returned, and this time won, the world's most famous newsman was left a bereft husband and the ill-prepared father of a bitter and confused pre-adolescent boy.

At the start of Free Will Flux, his son 14 and his wife gone near 5 years now, Isaac is 46.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Wow - I want to do this! Walkway over the Hudson. Mom & Dad's 2010 Labor Day Weekend Sunday Activty.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Deleted Scene: One Small Step For Otto

Otto Tannenbaum stood before a swelling hole in the iridescent sky which hovered above a desert swarming with the desperate vestiges of mankind. Beneath these heaving dunes of flesh, not a grain of sand was visible.
Otto raised a foot. The desert held its breath. The foot that bore the weight of the world breached the threshhold of the rift. Otto glanced back, flashed a tenuous grin. His foot was gone where no man (presumably) had yet, and he was still breathing. 
Then the rift gulped him down like tossing back a shot, smacked its lips and sealed them tightly.
Otto and his so-called "Bridge" were both gone. The shepherd had deserted his flock and the sheep went wild.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Freak Show (Why No One Is Not One)

It's time to dispel a common myth that poisons our culture and tears at the very fabric of civilization itself, and that is the myth that there is anyone out there who is not a freak.

Society's idea of a civilized mind
tries to comply with a
media derived
modus operandi
noses, hands, and eyes
up tight, up to
the window display to find out
who they're about to be today.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Credit:NASA/GSFC/Cynthia Cheung.
Random Flux Alert! Rocks Move On Their Own in Death Valley Desert. NASA geologists have been trying to explain this for 4 years.

Friday, August 27, 2010

NPR just introduced me to this great site: ProPublica

Thursday, August 26, 2010


We are born innocent but we are not born alone. From the moment we come into this world we affect the world. I breathe out, you breathe in. You breathe out, I breathe in. We are all interconnected, each the butterfly's wing that shakes the earth. What I do affects other people. I am responsible for my words and actions. Only I am responsible for my words and actions. By taking care of myself, I take care of others. By loving myself, I make myself capable of love. My responsibility to the world is to be responsible for myself. When I gaze into the mirror, I see more than me.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sci-Fi Inspires Engineers To Build Our Future : NPR

Friday, August 20, 2010

Unexplained Beam: What Could It Be?

'Unexplained phenomena' captured by Dr. Eileen Palmer
Is this what a rift in space-time might look like? A portal to an alternate reality?

Or is it another being, alike or unlike us, flitting at speeds only this much visible to the naked eye or phased out of dimension, vibrationally afar and yet so close?

What do you think it is?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

All 30 Free Will Flux Quotes With Bonuses

For 30 days this summer I posted quotes from the characters in my metaphysical fiction book Free Will Flux, one quote per day, 30 quotes in all--sort of a textual book preview. Today, upon posting the 30th and final quote of the series, I've put them all together into one post, the full text of 30 Days of 30 Free Will Flux Quotes. Read all 30 quotes one right after the other and it may just evoke something of a movie preview...I mean, book preview inside your head.

As a bonus, I've included the character attributions for each quote.

Also, any of you paying close attention to the 30 Days of 30 Free Will Flux Quotes as they were being posted may have noticed that I skipped a day, going straight from Day 20 to Day 22. So make special note of Day 21, since this is the first time it's appeared online. And to make up for my error, this quote will be from a character I haven't quoted yet.

One last thing before I present the 30 Free Will Flux Quotes, keep reading after the final quote and you'll find out what's up next for the Flux Happens blog and get a special invitation.

  1. "If you were around when it happened, I know you thought it was the end of the world."  Pressman

30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 30 - "I think I know where we're going." Go to & read all 30 quotes on 1 page.

Monday, August 16, 2010

29-"I'm only trying to help.";"I know! That's all you ever do is help. That's half the problem.";"And the other half?";"That you suck at it."

Sunday, August 15, 2010


As the caterpillar emerges from its cocoon a butterfly, may we now emerge from limitation into freedom, from silence into expression, from scarcity into abundance, from illusion into truth, from unconsciousness into awareness, from created into creator.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Free Will Flux Kindle Edition Hits #5

The Kindle edition of Free Will Flux hit #5 on the Amazon Bestseller List in the category of New Thought. It's also broken the top 20 in the category of Metaphysical Fiction.

"How did you find me here?"; "You wanted to be found." Day 28: 30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes. metaphysics metaphysical fiction

Thursday, August 12, 2010

30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 27 - "Who's to say I'm not one of the bad guys?" $1 on Amazon Kindle & at Smashwords for other digital devices

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 26- "Why can't I get away from you?" Read on your PC or phone $1
Read Sage Kalmus' review of Another Roadside Attraction on

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 25: "Lost souls are not escaping anything. They're confronting head-on every paradox of their existence, and losing." 30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes

Sunday, August 8, 2010

30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 24 - "Get me out of here!"; "Get yourself out." Read on your PC or phone $1

Friday, August 6, 2010

As of July 31, Free Will Flux breaks 100 Kindle sales! (total: 124) Don't need a Kindle to read it. Only $1

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sage's Self-Designed College Minor

I was filling out some paperwork recently that left space for me to expound on my college curricula beyond just listing my degree. Since my minor, a self-designed one as it happens, was one of the highlights of at lest the academic portion of my undergraduate career (at the Boston University College of Communication, School of Film and Broadcasting, class of '93), I noted it down.

That gave me the idea to share it with you. So here it is, Sage Kalmus's actual self-designed college minor:

Creative Powers of the Mind

with coursework in:
  • Dreams, Imagination, and Symbolic Thought
  • Humor in Society
  • History of Witchcraft
  • Stalking the Wild Mind

Remind me to tell you about that last one sometime. There's at least a few good stories in there (thank you Professor Anthony Barrand).

BTW - I am looking forward to (hopefully soon) attending graduate school via a low-residency program (since I am in Hawaii) to get my MFA in Creative Writing.

Search for boston university apparel

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"I don't trust him either. But I'll go along with it. Because I think you believe him. And that's not healthy. Someone has to blow this fairy tale apart." 30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 23

Monday, August 2, 2010

30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 22 - "So if you don't mind, I'll take you to yourself now." On Amazon Kindle & for $1

Saturday, July 31, 2010

30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 21-"Last thing we need right now is another mad prophet." $1 at

Thursday, July 29, 2010

30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 20 - "Do you think I'm blind? I can see everything you can, child. I just prefer not to." $1 on Kindle:

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 19 - "This is what the world is coming to. We're all forced to live like third-worlders while the third-world itself is already plenty used to it, and they're over there laughing their emaciated ass off at us. I think it's safe to say that the playing field has now been leveled."

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 18 - "I know what it's like to feel like you don't belong. The world is something that's happening to other people, but not to you." (30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 17 - "Who's anybody gonna sue? I know, let's take a poll on who we should blame for this, whatever the (bleep) it was." Free Will Flux - a novel? FREE to download at until July 31 Sage Kalmus' review of Invisible Monsters: A Novel

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 16 - "Look Mama, that lady's walking upside down!";"Mira, stop making things up.";"But I'm not!"

Monday, July 19, 2010

"Show of hand in the studio - who just pissed themselves?...Wow. That was more than I expected." Download Free Will Flux for FREE til 7/31 at

Sunday, July 18, 2010

30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 14 - "I know how all this sounds, but have you looked around lately? What's not preposterous these days?"

Thursday, July 15, 2010 Sage Kalmus' review of The Wisdom of No Escape and the Path of Lo...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 13 - "Pioneers, gentlemen...and lady. We're the next rung on the ladder. In a word, evolution." Free Chapters:

Sunday, July 11, 2010

30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 12 - "Do you know me?" Read now for $1 on Amazon Kindle & all other digital formats on

Saturday, July 10, 2010

30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 11 - “I think it was a great white. And then the most incredible thing happened. It killed me."

Saturday, July 3, 2010

"I just need you to tell me if I'm on all the television stations. I need to know that I'm the one being covered right now by everyone."

Friday, July 2, 2010

30Days,30FreeWillFlux Quotes:Day9- "Things are really happening, Savannah. Not everyone is hallucinating. And not everyone is going crazy."

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Free Will Flux breaks 50 Kindle sales in one month. Nearing 100th sale. Read it now for $1.

Friday, June 25, 2010

30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 8 - "Maybe the world just wanted some attention and didn't know how to ask." Buy for $1 at

Thursday, June 24, 2010

30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 7 - "Was it real when you took the bite?" Read more for FREE at

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

30 Days,30 Free Will Flux Quotes:#6-"Nothing. I'm looking for nothing, which is hard enough to find without all your goddamned distractions."

Monday, June 21, 2010

30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 5 - "Redwood Grove is a destination. Nobody passes through." Buy now for the Amazon Kindle for only $1

Sunday, June 20, 2010

30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 4 - "There barracuda in pool! Big, big barracuda in pool!" Read more at

Saturday, June 19, 2010

30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 3 - "How'd I get into the right lane?" Read more at

Friday, June 18, 2010

30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 2-"Manu, stop it! Nadie esta' alli'! Manu, there's nobody here! Stop it, please, you're scaring me!"

Thursday, June 17, 2010

30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 1 - "If you were around when it happened, I know you thought it was the end of the world."

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Latest reviewer calls Free Will Flux "Brilliant" and full of surprises. Check it out!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Check out my 2 newest Listmania Lists on Amazon:

The 30 Best Metaphysical Fiction Books:

The 30 Best "New Thought" Books on Kindle for Under $1:

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Latest Free Will Flux reviewer says: Best Science Fiction Book I Ever Read

Check out the latest review of Free Will Flux. It's awesome! And please, after you read it, mark it as "Helpful".

Also, while you're there, check out the review entitled "Heinlein For The 21st Century" and mark that one as "Helpful" too.

Thanks and blessings.



Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Facebook | Videos Posted by Devin Mohr: Etherica Preview Two [HQ]

I always wanted to be in a Devin Mohr series. And now I got my wish. Trying to describe the beautiful splendor of this man's vision, words fail me. So just go check it out. And share it with everyone you know.

Ever since I saw his first Etherica video I wanted to be in a Devin Mohr series. And now, I got my wish. Not only that, but it's part of Etherica too. Check this out. God, this man's vision is gorgeous!
Flickr Photo Download: human_timeline.jpg Love this!

Monday, May 10, 2010

I live in awe. Each day I wake up, each night I fall asleep in awe. I am truly blessed.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Correction: Free Will Flux now at, Barnes & Noble online. Not at the actual brick and mortar bookstores...yet.
Now at Barnes & Noble & Free Will Flux, Sage Kalmus, Book -

Friday, May 7, 2010

The post office lost my first box of books. What's with that???

Flux Happens - Case in Point: Lord Jesus Christ (his real name) hit by Mass. car

AP News: Lord Jesus Christ (his real name) hit by Mass. car

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Free Will Flux - full cover

The Free Will Flux cover was designed to be viewed this way, front to back (or rather, back to front), as if the book were lying down on the table or in your lap gazing up at you.