Sunday, August 29, 2010

Freak Show (Why No One Is Not One)

It's time to dispel a common myth that poisons our culture and tears at the very fabric of civilization itself, and that is the myth that there is anyone out there who is not a freak.

Society's idea of a civilized mind
tries to comply with a
media derived
modus operandi
noses, hands, and eyes
up tight, up to
the window display to find out
who they're about to be today.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Credit:NASA/GSFC/Cynthia Cheung.
Random Flux Alert! Rocks Move On Their Own in Death Valley Desert. NASA geologists have been trying to explain this for 4 years.

Friday, August 27, 2010

NPR just introduced me to this great site: ProPublica

Thursday, August 26, 2010


We are born innocent but we are not born alone. From the moment we come into this world we affect the world. I breathe out, you breathe in. You breathe out, I breathe in. We are all interconnected, each the butterfly's wing that shakes the earth. What I do affects other people. I am responsible for my words and actions. Only I am responsible for my words and actions. By taking care of myself, I take care of others. By loving myself, I make myself capable of love. My responsibility to the world is to be responsible for myself. When I gaze into the mirror, I see more than me.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sci-Fi Inspires Engineers To Build Our Future : NPR

Friday, August 20, 2010

Unexplained Beam: What Could It Be?

'Unexplained phenomena' captured by Dr. Eileen Palmer
Is this what a rift in space-time might look like? A portal to an alternate reality?

Or is it another being, alike or unlike us, flitting at speeds only this much visible to the naked eye or phased out of dimension, vibrationally afar and yet so close?

What do you think it is?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

All 30 Free Will Flux Quotes With Bonuses

For 30 days this summer I posted quotes from the characters in my metaphysical fiction book Free Will Flux, one quote per day, 30 quotes in all--sort of a textual book preview. Today, upon posting the 30th and final quote of the series, I've put them all together into one post, the full text of 30 Days of 30 Free Will Flux Quotes. Read all 30 quotes one right after the other and it may just evoke something of a movie preview...I mean, book preview inside your head.

As a bonus, I've included the character attributions for each quote.

Also, any of you paying close attention to the 30 Days of 30 Free Will Flux Quotes as they were being posted may have noticed that I skipped a day, going straight from Day 20 to Day 22. So make special note of Day 21, since this is the first time it's appeared online. And to make up for my error, this quote will be from a character I haven't quoted yet.

One last thing before I present the 30 Free Will Flux Quotes, keep reading after the final quote and you'll find out what's up next for the Flux Happens blog and get a special invitation.

  1. "If you were around when it happened, I know you thought it was the end of the world."  Pressman

30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 30 - "I think I know where we're going." Go to & read all 30 quotes on 1 page.

Monday, August 16, 2010

29-"I'm only trying to help.";"I know! That's all you ever do is help. That's half the problem.";"And the other half?";"That you suck at it."

Sunday, August 15, 2010


As the caterpillar emerges from its cocoon a butterfly, may we now emerge from limitation into freedom, from silence into expression, from scarcity into abundance, from illusion into truth, from unconsciousness into awareness, from created into creator.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Free Will Flux Kindle Edition Hits #5

The Kindle edition of Free Will Flux hit #5 on the Amazon Bestseller List in the category of New Thought. It's also broken the top 20 in the category of Metaphysical Fiction.

"How did you find me here?"; "You wanted to be found." Day 28: 30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes. metaphysics metaphysical fiction

Thursday, August 12, 2010

30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 27 - "Who's to say I'm not one of the bad guys?" $1 on Amazon Kindle & at Smashwords for other digital devices

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 26- "Why can't I get away from you?" Read on your PC or phone $1
Read Sage Kalmus' review of Another Roadside Attraction on

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 25: "Lost souls are not escaping anything. They're confronting head-on every paradox of their existence, and losing." 30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes

Sunday, August 8, 2010

30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 24 - "Get me out of here!"; "Get yourself out." Read on your PC or phone $1

Friday, August 6, 2010

As of July 31, Free Will Flux breaks 100 Kindle sales! (total: 124) Don't need a Kindle to read it. Only $1

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sage's Self-Designed College Minor

I was filling out some paperwork recently that left space for me to expound on my college curricula beyond just listing my degree. Since my minor, a self-designed one as it happens, was one of the highlights of at lest the academic portion of my undergraduate career (at the Boston University College of Communication, School of Film and Broadcasting, class of '93), I noted it down.

That gave me the idea to share it with you. So here it is, Sage Kalmus's actual self-designed college minor:

Creative Powers of the Mind

with coursework in:
  • Dreams, Imagination, and Symbolic Thought
  • Humor in Society
  • History of Witchcraft
  • Stalking the Wild Mind

Remind me to tell you about that last one sometime. There's at least a few good stories in there (thank you Professor Anthony Barrand).

BTW - I am looking forward to (hopefully soon) attending graduate school via a low-residency program (since I am in Hawaii) to get my MFA in Creative Writing.

Search for boston university apparel

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"I don't trust him either. But I'll go along with it. Because I think you believe him. And that's not healthy. Someone has to blow this fairy tale apart." 30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 23

Monday, August 2, 2010

30 Days, 30 Free Will Flux Quotes: Day 22 - "So if you don't mind, I'll take you to yourself now." On Amazon Kindle & for $1